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eKYC and reKYC

The SharePro eKYC and reKYC Modules allow onboarding of new clients or allow existing clients to modify or close their account details.  The systems use the services of  Aadhaar eSigning, DigiLocker and other APIs to make the experience as seamless as possible for the user. Data for onboarding and modification directly integrates with SharePro and does not require additional integration. No more manual modifications in Trading Client Master and make BO Modification in Depositories.

Key eKYC Features


  • Complete eMail communication with client in each step of the processes
  • Data tightly integrated with SharePro


  • Handles KRA document creation
  • Define your own Onboarding and Modification documents [PDF] for signing


  • Leave-mid-way-and-continue-later support
  • Total video IPV and use Phone video support

How does reKYC work?

reKYC in normal Client Web-login

The modification request can be made from right within the Web Login provided to the client. No need to provide a separate application.

Modify Anything

Allows modification of Mobile Number, eMail ID, Address, Date-of-Birth,  Income Range, Authorized Representative, Nominee Details, DDPI, DP and Bank Accounts and Segments.

Integrated Modification

Once the HO Authorised-agent verifies and accepts the change using the Admin module, the change percolates to trading and DP Accounts of the client. No need to manage complex API calls.

Adhaar e-Signing

eKYC and reKYC use UIADI’s eSigning service for signing the final PDF files. We currently integrate NSDL’s eSigning solution.

Full eMail Communication

Each request, it’s acceptance and rejection is backed by a full email trail. The clients are intimated of each step and status through configurable mails.

Record Complete Trail

The system will maintain eth entire trail for requests, their acceptance and rejection status and will also permanently store the uploaded documents for future reference

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