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Though the Margin Trading Facility was announced in 2004, SEBI’s circular in June 2017, truly paved the way for Corporate Brokers to offer funding to their Clients against Collateral deposits. This way, Clients wanting to hold positions for a long time, can avail the available funding against an Interest Payment to the broker. SharePro offers an easy to use, single UCC, system to SharePro users to offer MTF to their clients.


Single UCC Operation

Integrates with your broking operations and using the single UCC of the Clients. Post trading [or while trading] seggregation of MTF trades supported


Clients can enroll with MTF through their usual Web Logins or through Printed agreements. MTF operations begin instantaneously for Registering Clients. Web agreements and Rights and Obligations can be self-designed by the user.

Confirmations Supported

By enabling a system of Confirmations at the Global or Client level, you can ensure that Clients need to confirm their MTF trades post trading using the Web-login or a Link-eMailing Process.

Statements and Dashboard

Subscribed Clients are serviced by regular emailing of MTF Statements and also through the MTF Dashboard in the Web login. The Dashboard provides upto-the-minute funding positions and accrued Interest figures to the Clients.

Auto Allocation

The Auto Allocation process marks trades as MTF automatically taking into account parameters like MTF-F Stocks, Margin Requirements based on ELM and VAR, Broker specified Limits, Networth Limits and Stocks in Normal Margin Accounts. The system automatically funds or releases funds based on these auto-allocations.

Automated Payin/Payout

Automatically handles movement of shares to and fro MTF-Funding and Pool Accounts to handle payins and payouts of fresh MTF positions or Liquidations.

Risk Management

Risk Management Reports to manage MTF Position Risks.

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